Tuesday, 10 July 2012

 Third day, Monday (09/07/2012)
Firstly, thanks to god that I still can brief and continue my journey at this company. As usual, I come at 9 a.m. and continue the task that been given. The truth is, I still confuse to write the blog and if my supervisor sees my blog postdate seem that I been late to update do what he required. I hope he can forgive my lateness posted.so, we just continue what I have done in this day. From the previous day I been ordered to understand and do a Surface Mount Device (SMD) soldering. For today I still do soldering in the same PCB but in different way and component. For today soldering through hole components are my task. There is the component list and procedure of soldering at below.

1.      IC base for PIC28P and IC MAX232.
2.      5V relay.
3.      Capacitor 100µF and 47µF.
4.      Connecter.
5.       Power switch.
6.      Power connector.
7.      547 transistor.
8.      20k Cristal oscillator.

1.       Before we start soldering process, first thing must to do is check that all the equipment and component are been prepare.
2.       Then clean the soldering place at PCB area.
3.       Then insert the component into the plate hole with the right place. To avoid from component moved, secure it by cellophane tape.
4.       Place the soldering iron tip at the junction between the pad and component lead. Apply a small amount of solder at the junction of soldering iron tip and lead to make a solder bridge. Note that the size of the solder is important when soldering small components. If the solder is too large, it is easy to melt solder into the joint. If the solder too small, it can take too long to melt the optimum amount into the joint.
5.       Since a small amount of solder at the junction of soldering iron tip been applied, immediately feed solder into the joint from the side opposite from the soldering iron tip until the proper fillet is achieved. Remove the solder then remove the iron. The iron may be swept over the end of the component lead to cover it with solder. Noted that apply the solder to the side opposite from the soldering iron tip so that the work surface and not the iron will melt the solder.
6.       On multiple lead components solder the opposite corners first to stabilize the component. Follow by soldering the remaining leads in a random pattern to reduce excessive heat buildup in one area.
7.       Clean the flux residue, if required and inspect
·         Avoid exerting any pressure on the pad since the soldering iron tip at the junction between the pad and component.
·         A few tip from Mr. Mazran, make sure after do soldering process it is required to clean the soldering iron tip for better next soldering process.
During the soldering process we must follow this precaution to avoid being an accident during work.
1.      Make sure that the shouldering iron is proper heat before do soldering process.
2.      Avoid touch the wetted flux and rod iron.
3.      Avoid smelling the smoke that come out from the soldering process and to avoid it, use anti-static absorber that can absorb the smoke and it filtered to the air.
4.      Always open the window during works.
5.      Make sure to turn off after use it to avoid in waste energy and accident.
6.      Use proper equipment which may cause of wound.
7.      To protect the component, don’t attach the iron to long at the components.
On this day I still can’t finished my work since that insufficient component and I have to wait next day to get the component. The components are Port B socket and 547 transistor.  During this day I update my blog to.

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